Podcasts SUCK! (a podcast about how to start a podcast)

How to Create Compelling Content for Your Business Podcast

June 21, 2024 Sebastian Rusk Episode 38

In episode thirty-eight of Podcasts Suck, Sebastian Rusk dives into the essential topic of creating compelling content for your podcast. He also discusses the importance of engaging your audience and keeping them coming back for more. 

Tune in for insights on how to captivate your audience and grow your show!


[00:01:25] Compelling content for your podcast.

[00:04:26] Understanding Audience Feedback.

[00:09:33] Be 100% your authentic self.

[00:13:06] Actionable tips for podcast success.

[00:14:51] Creating compelling content for podcasts.


  • "If your content is compelling, meaning it draws people in and piques their interest, if you will, well, they're going to be more inclined to come back for more."
  • "Be authentic to yourself by being your authentic self. Your content is going to be better. Your listeners, your community are going to engage better because of your authenticity."
  • “You want to stay focused and you want to make sure that your content is you're keeping it relevant to what you actually do because you can you can hook people like that and you can keep them engaged because you're creating compelling content.”


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YouTube: Youtube.com/@PodcastLaunchLab



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