Podcasts SUCK! (a podcast about how to start a podcast)

How To Find New Podcast Guests on LinkedIn

Sebastian Rusk Episode 20

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In episode twenty of Podcasts Suck, Sebastian Rusk discusses the importance of finding quality podcast guests and getting yourself booked on other podcasts using LinkedIn. He emphasizes the power of LinkedIn as a platform for networking, building relationships, and growing businesses. Sebastian also shares his own experiences with hiring someone to handle guest bookings and highlights the challenges he faced. 


[00:04:23] LinkedIn Profile Importance.

[00:10:45] Booking a New Podcast Guest.

[00:11:39] Finding Podcast Guests.

[00:15:57] Leveraging LinkedIn for Podcasting.

In this episode, Sebastian Rusk emphasizes his belief in the power of LinkedIn for networking, building relationships, and growing businesses in the podcasting industry. He discusses how to find quality podcast guests on LinkedIn by searching for individuals who are active on the platform and interested in networking and growing their businesses. He also suggests using specific search terms related to the desired podcast topic or industry to narrow down the search results. By connecting with these individuals, podcast hosts can potentially find suitable guests for their shows.


  • “But in my opinion, it (LinkedIn) is the most powerful social media platform out there. It's full of individuals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year that want to network, that want to grow their business, that want to build relationships. So it's a phenomenal place to, fine quality podcast guests, as well as being able to find other shows and opportunities for you to be a guest on other podcasts.”
  • “You see how powerful LinkedIn is. You can go in here and you can search by all of these specific things. And you can also add filters, all of them. Some of them, where do they go to school? Where are they located post jobs, groups, services.”
  • “The best way to be able to do that outside of an introduction from your first connection is to go engage on their content. Even though you're not connected with them, you can still engage like leaving a meaningful comment.”


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Sebastian Rusk00:02 - 17:56
Welcome to Podcast Suck, a podcast about starting a podcast, where we dive headfirst into the wild, wacky, and sometimes frustrating world of podcasting. If you've ever sat down with a microphone, hit record, and thought, what on earth am I doing? Or if you're just curious about the magic behind your favorite shows, then you're in the right place. Get ready for laughs, insights, and a whole lot of what not to do advice as we embark on this podcasting journey together. Let's dive in. What's happening, everybody. How we doing? Welcome to another episode of podcast suck a podcast all about starting and growing a podcast. There's always an error when we're going live here. Hence my, hesitancy on going live because well today we're just not live on YouTube, but that's okay. We're live on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. I want to talk to you today about what it takes to find quality podcast guests and also get yourself booked on other podcasts using LinkedIn. Now I know a lot of you, are extremely negligent when it comes to wanting to embrace LinkedIn. But in my opinion, it is the most powerful social media platform out there. It's full of individuals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year that want to network, that want to grow their business, that want to build relationships. So it's a phenomenal place to, fine quality podcast guests, as well as being able to find other shows and opportunities for you to be a guest on other podcasts. Yeah, you can hire somebody to do this. Sure, I've tried it a couple of times. And I gotta say, it's a less than pleasurable experience. Because in a perfect world, you think, oh, wait a second, there's an agency and company out there that'll get me booked on podcasts. and then you pay the company. And you get booked on a podcast here and there, but there's nothing consistent. Like if there was a miracle solution out there where you paid an agency, you got booked on at least one show every single week within your criteria, sign me up, take my money, but I haven't found it yet. So with that being said, you can take these efforts on your own initially, and then pass them off to a virtual assistant or an admin or whoever's on your team that could help assist with the logistics of this, but what I'm about to show you, you'll see that it's, it's, it is a very, very much a one person game meeting. You have to log into your LinkedIn profile and go actually search and look for what you want as far as results are concerned, um, when you're searching on LinkedIn. So could you tell a VA how to do that? Yes, eventually. But I really come from the school of thought that, First, you learn it so that you can teach it. Not the other way around. Not here's my login to LinkedIn. Go figure it out. Nobody's too busy to get in there and at least establish some sort of groundwork to be able to figure out, a new effective strategy for using your social media platforms. They're yours. I understand you don't run your own social media. Cool guy. I got it. You have a VA handling it for you. Amazing. You still need to get in and figure out what you want to search for and also make sure that your profiles up to snuff because we can go look for podcasts for you to be on. We can go look for potential podcast guests, but if you haven't posted on LinkedIn since God spoke to Moses or. You haven't completely filled out your profile and don't get me started about people that don't even have a profile picture on LinkedIn. It's absurd. Really? Do you hate business relationships and money? If so, make sure you don't have a profile picture and that you don't have your profile completely filled out. That's a completely different episode. We will cover that because that's an important part of your, personal brand, your business brand, your podcast, new connections, et cetera, is having your LinkedIn profile altogether. Nobody cares about your Facebook page. Somebody cares that your Facebook page is all pretty and neat and great pictures and links. And nobody's going in. Let's go check this person out with their links on, on LinkedIn. That's what happens. They click on your profile, they click about, and they go check out all of your about information as they should. And if the information is not there, well, don't wonder why LinkedIn air quotes isn't working for you. All right. Let's head over to LinkedIn real quick. If you're listening to the podcast, you're going to want to watch the replay on my LinkedIn profile or my Facebook profile. Just go search my name on either, or you'll see this as a recent episode. We record the podcast live sometimes because I do want to illustrate a couple of different things, which would require a video component. This is by no means a video podcast. So everybody just settled down with all that madness. All right, let's go over to LinkedIn real quick. And the first thing we're going to do, let's talk about finding podcasts for you to be on. Okay. We'll start there. We'll go backwards and I'll talk about how we find, well, you know what, let's start with how to find more guests for your podcast. Then we'll cover how to get booked on other podcasts. Okay. Let's just say that you are looking for real estate professionals. I'm sure there aren't any on LinkedIn at all. So we're just going to type in real estate. So all I've done is gone to LinkedIn, use the search bar at the top, and I'm going to narrow it down to see people, services, groups, posts, jobs, products, companies. You see how powerful LinkedIn is. You can go in here and you can search by all of these specific things. And you can also add filters, all of them. Some of them, where do they go to school? Where are they located post jobs, groups, services, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. All right, we're going to go with people. So these are all of the people that show up in the search results. When I type in real estate on LinkedIn. So all I've done is gone to my real estate or my LinkedIn profile. the top in the search bar, I've typed in real estate and it's, and I've chosen the people option at the very top. You can do people, you can do location, jobs, posts, all kinds of stuff. I've chosen people and it gives me 5.2 million results, 5.2 million people it's given me in this search result. Now, most of these people, in the 5 million are not my first connection. First connection, meaning I am already connected with them. I can reach out to them and send them a message. Also second connections. So we're only going to work with first connections and second connections right now, because you can go to your third and fourth connections, but that requires you needing to connect with those people because you're not currently connected or ask for an introduction from somebody that you currently are connected to, which, LinkedIn will allow you to go and do. If I'm already connected to Bob and I want to meet Mary, I can ask Bob and Mary's connected with Bob. I can say, Hey Bob, I'm looking to meet Mary. Would you mind making the introduction? Or it'll tell me who my mutual connections are already. All the information is already there. It's amazing. Internets. So I'm going to go to people here. It says 5.2 million results. And then I want to narrow this down to my first connections because I want to reach out to people that I'm already connected to that I may not have talked to already. And that gives me 1100 results, still a pretty decent number. I'm connected with 1100 people who are in my first connection. Now, if I went to second connection, added second connection on here, that would give me an additional, 106,000, excuse me, 206,000 results. But again, I'm not currently connected with the second connection. So only my first connections are the ones that really matter, or at least where we're going to start. Once you get through this list, then you can worry about your second and third connections and figuring out who you already know when you're as a first connection that could make those introductions. So you're simply going to go through here and you're going to see these are real estate professionals. I'm looking for people that are in Florida, people that are in Texas, people that are in New York, Fantastic. And then I'm just going to simply click message. Cause I'm already connected to Lindsey here. Last time I talked to Lindsey was last year. I said, happy birthday to her, but I would simply type in a message that says something like, hi, Lindsey. I host a show. I host a podcast that features. real estate professionals. And I'd love to have you on the show. Here's a link to check it out. And then I'd send a link on the story podcast. Let me know if you're open to doing this. And boom, I'm going to hit send. I'm not doing that because it's just an example purpose, uh, for example, purposes rather, but that's exactly what you say. Hey, Lindsay got a podcast that features real estate professionals up to really cool things. I checked out your profile clear. You're up to really cool things. And I'd love to have you on the show. Here's a link to the show. Let me know if you're open to it. I respond back, Sebastian. Thanks for reaching out. This looks fantastic. I checked out the, checked out the podcast. I'd love to be on it. Let's rock and roll. How do we do this? And then I'm going to reply back with a calendar link for her to book a time and day that works best for her. And boom, I booked a new podcast guest that works within my niche, my fit and my audience. Um, uh, and also my target market of people that I want on the podcast. Okay. So everybody clear on that. So I just typed anything in here. You can type, uh, insurance, whatever genre you want, whatever industry you want. You can get real granular too. You can do a homeowner's insurance. Now you can also find groups in here. You can find posts, you can go comment on something. So if you're looking to connect with a second or third connection, the best way to be able to do that outside of an introduction from your first connection is to go engage on their content. Even though you're not connected with them, you can still engage like leave a meaningful con comment. You can go view their profile and which LinkedIn will send them an email too. So there's a couple other ways to be able to dive into wanting to connect with new people, especially if you want to get them on the podcast and you're not currently connected. As soon as you're connected with them, obviously then you can send them a message and do something very comparable to what I just got done doing. So I've got 77 people that I'm already connected to as a first connection that sell homeowners insurance. So 77 people, if I booked 10% of those people, I would have seven new podcast guests for my podcast. If I was looking for homeowners, people that sold homeowners insurance. Okay. So that's what it looks like for you to be able to find people that can be a guest on your podcast that are a fit within your guest criteria. Now let's talk about being able to find podcasts that you can be a guest on. Okay. I want to be on more marketing podcasts. So I'm just going to type in marketing. Excuse me. I'm going to type in podcast host marketing, and then I'm going to click on people again. That's where we're going to start. You can go to post, you can go to jobs, all kinds of, I have 64,000 people that host a podcast about marketing. Now, these are all people on LinkedIn based on the search result. So I'm going to narrow it down to my first connections. Those are people that I'm already connected to. And now I've got 552 people, not bad at all that I can actually go in. Now, if you have sales navigator and you pay for that on a monthly basis, like a hundred bucks a month, whatever it is, you can actually save these search results and start to work the pipeline. Another training, another episode, another topic, uh, that we'll cover, uh, here on the show. But for right now, these are all the podcast hosts that are showing up for marketing. We've got, um, Let's see, Phil Lanos here that I know, podcast host. Okay, I can pretend I'm sending him an email or a message rather. Hi, Philip. Hi, Philip, Sebastian Rusk here with the Podcast Launch Lab. I help marketers, entrepreneurs, and business owners go from idea to iTunes in 90 days or less by starting a podcast. I listened to one of your most recent episodes. Great show, by the way. I love the episode with Jeff Jones on it, where you discussed how to get booked on other podcasts. I've had some experience doing this for not only myself, but my clients based on a few different strategies that I'd love to share that you did, that you guys didn't currently talk about in this episode. Let me know if you're open to new podcast guests. I'm not going to type all of that, but that's exactly what I would say. Number one, I would say hello. I would introduce myself. I would let them know I've been listening to their show. If you haven't done that, go listen to an episode, find something that you can relate to. That doesn't just sound like some spammy, junk mail, spam, garbage message that gets sent on a daily basis. Make it meaningful and be a human. Imagine that be a human being and reach out and say, Hey, Phil, here's what I do. I listened to your show. I love it. Compliment them. I love the episode with Betty. You guys talked about the world of podcasting. One thing you guys didn't touch on was this specific area, which happens to be my specialty. If you're open to it, I'd love to come on the show and serve your audience to the best of my ability. Let me know if you're about that life or get funny or something, you know, that is. It's human. That's the word I keep coming back to human. Okay. Then of course you can go to your second connections. You can go to your third connections, but start with the first connections for start with people. Okay. We can also go to and go all here and it's going to give you everything posts. So right when search results, I'm going to uncheck this. Oops. I'm going to uncheck this so it shows me everything. So it shows me people. I can show, show me all people results. It's going to show me posts. So if I don't know Alex yet and I want to meet Alex and I was like, wait a second, I know Mike, but I don't know Alex. I can reach out to Mike and say, Hey, can you make an introduction to Alex on LinkedIn? Now, if I don't know Mike and I don't know Alex and I want to meet both of them, guess what? I'm going to go check out Alex's profile. One of my favorite podcasts and dudes, by the way. And that's going to send Alex a message to say, Hey, Sebastian is looking at your profile. And then I could send him a message or I can connect with them. I'm not currently connected with them. Okay. So that is how you leverage LinkedIn to find new podcasts, uh, guests, and to also get booked on other podcasts. So you don't have to overcomplicate this process, but listen, you've got to take time out of your day outside of your, you know, cause the time that you spend desk scrolling, yeah. On Tik TOK and Instagram and Facebook and all those, all this stuff you don't have time for that your team has to handle. This is stuff that you actually need to send some time with Saturday morning, Sunday morning, early morning, whatever it may be. Spend some time on LinkedIn. I've been on LinkedIn since the very beginning and it is my favorite platform. Facebook, backyard barbecue, LinkedIn, and nonstop perpetual networking event of people that actually want to build relationships and talk about meaningful things and share meaningful content, questions, thoughts, ideas, concerns about this episode, about any episodes on podcast suck. Please hit me up, shoot me a DM on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. You're watching on YouTube comment below. I do respond. to each and every one of you lovely people. It is my pleasure to do so. I appreciate you tuning in. If you're watching this on all the other platforms, there's an opportunity to comment below. Do that. I will respond back to you. It doesn't just have to be a question about getting booked on other podcasts and finding podcast guests on LinkedIn, anything podcast related. I will do the best of my ability to answer what those questions are. Thanks a bunch for tuning in and we'll see all you guys next time. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. We sure do appreciate it. If you haven't done so already, make sure you're subscribed to the show wherever you consume podcasts. It's where we get updates as new episodes become available. If you feel so inclined, please leave us a review and share the show with someone you know should start a podcast or may already have one. And remember, podcasts suck if you don't have one. Until next time, friends. 

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